jueves, 29 de abril de 2010


This motif is from the book Frivolite a l aguille pas a pas, from Evain Lucette .
Im not a needle tatter by the moment, so I shuttle tat it.
Using split ring, split chain, scmr,inverted picot , this fan was tatted without cutting threads...

The thread used was Coats mercer crochet n 40 in ecru.

6 comentarios:

Typstatting dijo...

That fan is a real stunner, what a great job you have done on it!!!

Kjellaug dijo...

Nice work..lovly design

IsDihara dijo...

Gorgeous, gorgeous fan! And it must have been tricky, with all those different techniques. Great job!

geraldine dijo...

wow what a wonderful fan and all the different techniques to concor.i would like to do it in a varigated colour.

Clotat dijo...

thanks girls for your nice comments!!!

ancolie dijo...

great ! what a wonderful fan !
ancolie from France